2Teach - 2Touch
2Teach - 2Touch: To Teach Being a Citizen in Waste Economy is To Touch Life
Project Number: 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000035116
Project Duration: 01.02.2022 – 31.01.2024
- About the project
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a huge impact on the waste and household sectors. In the beginning, as the pandemic progressed and lockdowns were imposed in many countries, citizens’ consumption habits changed due to the “stay-at-home effect.” In addition, the pandemic also caused an increase in the consumption of single-use plastics, often as a result of health and hygiene concerns. These are the main consequences of the global pandemic era, and it will continue to affect the entire world. Despites efforts at EU and national level, the amount of waste generated is not going down. The decoupling of waste generation from economic growth requires considerable effort across the whole value chain and in every home. To provide the transition to the circular economy to be systemic, deep and transformative, in the EU and beyond, the project proposes the harmonization separate waste collection system and a whole new range of sustainable services, product – as – service models and digital solutions, that brings a better quality of life, innovative jobs and upgraded knowledge and skills.
- Objectives
The main goal of the project is to provide tailored information on how citizens can be more involved in waste management and circular economy at the household level. It also includes information on household waste reduction and actual consumption behavior in daily life. In addition, the 2Teach – 2 Touch project provides detailed information on how high-quality, functional and safe products that are efficient and affordable last longer and are designed for reuse, repair and high-quality recycling in the household. The project facilitates an understanding of the most effective models for selective waste collection, as well as the availability of selective waste collection points, including in public spaces in partner countries. The 2Teach – 2Touch project increases the accessibility of citizens in improving waste management competencies by creating a digital environment.
- Project Results
PR1: Module 1 - Participation in Waste Economy as a citizen
The first module creates curiosity in the target group, shows exemplary practises and explanations for participating and involving in the waste economy as citizens. It covers the most important aspect, that is, to demonstrate the practical momentum of circular economy in everyday life. It provides a common reference to all target groups at the European level in order to explore involvement in the waste economy as a citizen in the partner countries.
PR 2: Module 2 - Waste Reduction and True Consumption
This module meets the needs of target groups in relation with waste reduction in the household and, provides true consumption ways to the citizens in order to reduce it. The learner understands of waste reduction techniques at the household level.
PR 3: Module 3 - Recycling
This module provides target groups with information to household waste recycling. The context focuses on simple and basic recycling techniques at the household level and provides practical tips for recycling waste.
PR 4: Module 4 - Household Waste Sorting
In this module, the target group is informed about waste sorting techniques and harmonization of the selective waste collection system at home. The module arouses curiosity about basic waste sorting techniques at the household level.
PR 5: Module 5 - Digital Environment
This module provides training materials developed under PR1- PR4 in digital format.